Bitcoin Wallet: How to select yours.

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So you are starting out into the world of cryptocurrencies. Here is what you should know before you start.

Choosing the best bitcoin wallet for your crypto holding is as important as trading them. To understand the importance of choosing the right bitcoin wallet, we must know what bitcoin wallets are.

What are bitcoin wallets?

Let us understand this concept with a real-world analogy. The wallet in your pocket does two things:

  • Keeping your money safe.
  • Keeping your money organized and easy to access.

In the same way, digital wallets also perform the same functions. It keeps your cryptocurrencies safe and it keeps them organized for when you need to use them. You basically, need a wallet to send, receive and store bitcoins.

So what bitcoin wallet should you use?

The above-mentioned factors are all that you need to know to select a wallet. The most popular wallets in the market right now are Coinbase and Coindcx. But if you need more choices, head on to the official website to find out which wallet suits your needs based on a simple test that ranks the best wallets according to your needs. Selecting a single wallet is never a good idea to store your bitcoins. It is always good to spread your risks because you won’t lose all your bitcoins if something happens. You can do this by using multiple wallets both hot and cold storage bitcoin wallets.